Most of the people living in the modern world know someone who is a transsexual, but for those someone is not aware we are glad to explain that transsexuals are people whose gender at the birth does not coincide with a gender in which they would feel more comfortably, that is in opposite. But as not strange on world podiums many transsexual models which could become famous for the whole world pace and prove that gender discrepancy not a hindrance to career.
1. Kevin Balot

Kevin born on Philippines from the childhood dreamed to become a beauty queen. By rules of the man cannot participate in a similar competition that did not stop Kevin’s aspiration to a victory. Having changed appearance, he after all became the participant of a beauty contest among transgender people in Thailand. Having won first place, Kevin was awarded with the large sum of money, phone and the right for free residence in luxurious apartments in the capital of the country.
2. Claudia Charriez

Looking at Claudia’s photos, it is difficult to believe that she was given birth as the man. Numerous plastic surgeries helped to create the long-awaited and desirable to Claudia that every man wants. The blonde conquers peaks of model business, participating in the most important live television shows devoted to fashion and style besides that sometimes appearing online in the spare time to video chat wit her fans in real time.
3. Gene Rosero

Gene Rosero – one of the most demanded and highly paid models in the USA. At the peak of Gene’s career shocking information came out and fans were in shook, also her agent and friends by a loud statement. Having invited journalists and the leading most known TV shows, the model admitted that it before moving to the USA lived in Philippines and was a man. Was afraid of Gene that sooner or later her secret will be revealed, and the whole world, having learned about gender surgery, will accuse her of a lie. However outright recognition did not prevent model to develop in the profession.
4. Laverne Cox

Laverne is not only successful model, but also the actress, the lawyer and the television producer. Cox admits that began to think of sex change in 11 years when began to feel inclination to male schoolmates. According to the Time magazine, in 2015 Cox was included in the list of hundred most influential people of year. It was the first case of placement on a cover of the famous magazine the photo of the transgender. Last time we tracked her down while she was spotted on live cams and it seems she is doing really well.
5. Aysis King

The famous Aysis King model was a man Derell Uolls until recently. Aysis participated in the sensational show America’s Next Top Model twice, but could not gain a victory. The model so strongly struck the leader of a show Tyra Banks with the courage that that helped to pay Aysis gender surgery. An unexpected act of the famous TV host King attracted general interest in the person that was a powerful incitement to development in career of model.
6. Chamila Asanka

The model transsexual from Sri Lanka became world-famous, having participated in the competition Miss International Queen. Camila, thanks to the forms, appeared among the finalists battling for the queen’s title. In the native land the model achieved success: the photo with Chamila advertising any given goods can be seen continually.
7. Sirapassorn Atthayakorn

The transsexual Sirapassorn besides a difficult name has hard destiny. Before journalists Atthayakorn admits revelations that on the way to success in career she had many tests. Even after sex change the model was attacked also to sneers from haters. Now Sirapassorn is one of the most known models in Asia.
8. Lea Ti

Lea is the most famous transsexual in the world of haute couture. At the time she inspired representatives of Givenchy fashion house then her face began to appear on covers of the most fashionable magazines. Having been born in intelligent Catholic family, Leonardo decided to devote himself to the world of fashion over time and shocked relatives, the choice for a women’s clothing and high heels.
9. Harisu

Harisu – the famous South Korean pop singer, model and the actress. She became the first celebrity in South Korea which decided on sex change, besides it was the second person in the country on someone in general allowed to perform similar operation. To Harisu, nee Li Kyung-Ip, admitted that from the childhood identified itself with the girl, playing dolls. In 2002 she appealed to the Korean court with a request to allow her correction of a gender. As she was already the famous performer, authorities answered positively, and to Harisu reincarnated in the woman. “For me was to show the most awful documents. I could not receive the passport, the visa and even the cash card, did not perform operation yet”, – admits to Harisu.
10. Carmen Carrera

Carmen became the participant of the American reality show where became famous for the figure and a glamour look. After a television debut, she tried as model and is not ineffectual. Unlike a set of the transsexual model trying to draw attention to themselves, telling the whole world of story about the difficult fate of the person who was born not in the body, Carmen hid from admirers that was a man earlier.